About Us

Nexia Turkmenistan Group’s business activity starts since 1997 at the stage of formation of market economy in Turkmenistan. For more than 27 years of professional activity, the Group firms have been several times re-organized and today operates under the sole brand name Nexia at the professional service market of Turkmenistan. Since 12th August 2021 the Group is a member of Nexia International, www.nexia.com, a leading, global network of independent accounting and consulting firms, providing a comprehensive portfolio of audit, accountancy, tax and advisory services. Currently Nexia International is the world’s 13th largest accounting & consulting network, which has 790 offices in more than 125 countries and joins more than 26,000 professional and qualified employees and 3470 partners in more than 270 member-firms globally.

Nexia TKM’s area of expertise includes three basic service lines:

Audit: professional financial audit service, reviews of financial statements, and other assurance and related services engagements;
Advisory: business & investment planning and consulting, management consulting (including strategy and market research); and legal & tax, accounting, commercial, corporate advisory and consulting on doing business in Turkmenistan;
Appraisal: professional appraisal service, expertise and other services related to appraisal.

Staff members and partners of Nexia TKM possess international qualifications: Chartered business and intangible assets valuation surveyor of Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS, UK, www.rics.org), CMC (Certified Management Consultant, ICMCI, www.cmc-global.org), Certified Accountant-Practitioner (CAP, ECCAA, www.eccaa.org), as well being members of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA, UK, www.accaglobal.com), ESOMAR (www.esomar.org) and the Union of Economists of Turkmenistan, which enabling them to work effectively on the Turkmen market in pursuance with the professional ethics and in compliance with the international professional standards.

Furthermore, Group has been successfully pre-qualified by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) for rendering strategic consulting services for small and medium businesses within the SBS Program in Turkmenistan.

Nexia TKM strives to satisfy the needs of its clients by providing professional services within the shortest possible deadlines. For this purposes the Group has introduced the Integrated Management Quality and Information Security System in compliance with the international standards ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 and self-declared for the application the requirements of ISO 20700.